Friday, March 2, 2012

Fill in the blank Friday

1.  The highlight of my week was   book club (so far) .

2.   If I had to classify my interior design aesthetic it would be   classic..with a twist  .

3.  My first vehicle was   a 2000 silver Xterra..I still have it.  Thanks M&D! .

4. An item I need to have in my day in order to function is  my moleskine planner.

5. My favorite way to waste time is  by window shopping online .

6. Right now I could really go for   a work out, crazy long steam shower, quitters, and finished with a movie and a diet coke   .

7.  This weekend I will be   cleaning! our home needs a deep clean .

Happy March. Hopefully this snow doesn't last.



(for more fill in the blanks click here


  1. I really need to clean our house too, I've been praying all week that someone doesn't stop over! :) Love your blog, I'm a new follower!

  2. i totes copied your fill in the blank friday! hee hee! love you!

  3. i am planning to clean our house as well. i was hoping that the man would get the hint and just do it for me, but that was hopeful wishing!
    xx jes, your newest follower

  4. I love to window shop! Although sometimes I think real shopping would be better! :)

  5. Ohh I am ALWAYS online window shopping! You need to share with me your favorite online stores :)


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